• Links and Resources

    National Headache Foundation - useful site for patients, their families and doctors that are non-headache specialists



    Head Wise – Informative Headache Magazine that is mostly patient oriented, published in paper form and online



    Migraine.com – a good site for patient community and education.  According to the site info their “content is written by professional medical writers and published only after review by board-certified neurologists. Our independent editorial board is composed of practicing physicians with expertise in treating headaches and migraine disease. In addition to our original content, we also encourage individuals touched by migraine disease to share their experiences with the community.”

     http://migraine.com/         Patient Link

     http://migraine.com/pro/   For Health Care Professionals (per the site)


    American Headache Society – professional society of health care providers dedicated to the study and treatment of headache and face pain. There are two options at the link below; for patients and professionals (although some of the content is restricted to members on the professional side).



    O.U.C.H. – Organization for Understanding Cluster Headaches - is a group of dedicated volunteers who are both sufferers of cluster headaches and supporters of loved ones with cluster headaches.  All  information found here is compiled and maintained by volunteers to help those who suffer with this disorder.



    Migraine Research Foundation - The Migraine Research Foundation was founded in 2006 as the only nonprofit organization dedicated to funding migraine research in the United States.  Assisting MRF is a distinguished Medical Advisory Board that includes leading neurologists and scientists from across the country.



    TNA – The Facial Pain Association - is a non-profit voluntary health organization, serving patients worldwide who suffer from neuropathic face pain, including trigeminal neuralgia (TN), their families, and the physicians, dentists and healthcare providers who treat them.  It is partially sponsored by Mayo Clinic.



    WebMD – Migraine and Headache Health Center – Web site dedicated to provide credible information, supportive communities, and in-depth reference material about health subjects that matter to the general public; a source for original and timely health information as well as material from well known content providers.
